Foods that Start with E – Explore a fantastic food guide.
- Foods that Start with E – Explore a fantastic food guide.
- 1. Erbazzone:
- 2. Echicha:
- 3. Ensaimade:
- 4. Entrecote:
- 5. Eggo:
- 6. Eggnog:
- 7. Escargot:
- 8. English walnut:
- 9. Escarole:
- 10. Emblica:
- 11. Egg tart:
- 12. Embutido:
- 13. Eggfruit:
- 14. Endive:
- 15. Espresso:
- 16. Elk meat:
- 17. Ecrevisse:
- 18. Escallop:
- 19. Elderberry:
- 20. Eggplant:
- 21. Ellurundai sweet:
- 22. Edamame:
- 23. Elbow Macaroni:
- 24. Egg:
- 25 Elote:
- 26. Eru:
- 27. EdikangIkong:
- 28. Ekwang:
- 29. Eclairs:
- 30. Escovitch fish:
- 31. Earthnut:
- 32. Eel:
- 33. English sole:
- 34. English spinach:
- 35. Emmental:
- 36. English muffin:
- 37. Escabeche:
- 38. Emu:
- 39. Edam cheese:
- 40. Ensalada de Fruta:
- 41. Empanada:
- 42. ElaneerPayasam:
- 43. Enchilada:
- 44. Enfrijoladas:
- 45. Erusery:
- 46. Egg drop soup:
- 47. Ellupodi:
- 48. Entomatadas:
- 49. Egg tong sui:
Will you be able to list some foods that start with e if you get stuck in a particular situation that calls for the names of foods that start with e? I guess no, having an impressive knowledge of different foods and cuisine will undoubtedly enhance your pantry art, and even an upcoming scrabble set!
We have featured all the unique foods that start with E to amaze our readers with the rarest food guide. Also, all these featured foods that start with e belong to the all the distinct cuisines across the world, you can very quickly access this guide at your convenience to spark up your pantry art!
So, here is the list which features some ultimate foods that start with the letter E:
1. Erbazzone:
It is a yummy pie that is loaded with cheese along with spinach.
2. Echicha:
Ẹchịcha is a Nigerian dish consisting of cassava, pigeon pea and palm oil. This dish is often eaten in the dry season, along with the vegetables.
3. Ensaimade:

This toothsome bread belongs to Spain, which has a sweet taste.
4. Entrecote:
This is a tender piece of beef that is often used for cooking steak.
5. Eggo:
Eggo is known as the frozen waffles brand owned by Kellogg Company; these waffles are primarily sold in North America.
6. Eggnog:
Eggnog is a type of milk punch or egg milk punch. This drink is a cold, sweet flavored, dairy filled beverage.
7. Escargot:
Escargots is a fantastic dish that consists of edible land snails. This dish is often eaten by French people.
8. English walnut:

It is a nut with a hard shell along with two-lobed seeds.
9. Escarole:
Escarole is a beautiful leafy vegetable; this vegetable belongs to the chicory family and is often used for cooking soups.
10. Emblica:
Emblica is a medical name of Indian gooseberry; the fruit has a deep sour taste and intense tangy flavor.
11. Egg tart:
A Chinese custard tart that contains fat content, carbs and calories. The butter and flour are the main ingredients that are the prime culprit for the high fat and calorie content of the dish. So this dish is good to be eaten in moderate amounts but not an excellent choice to eat when looking out for a healthy diet.
12. Embutido:
Embutido is a kind of meatloaf. This Filipino style dish is ideal for festivals and holidays. Embutido could be the best idea for festival dinner treats as this dish is prepared with simple ingredients yet very tasty.
13. Eggfruit:
Eggfruit is a very sweet Caribbean fruit used for its unique sweet flavor and savory taste in many recipes; this fruit is eaten raw or cooked.
14. Endive:
Endive is a leafy vegetable, which belongs to the genus Cichorium. This vegetable is very frequently used for salad.
15. Espresso:
Espresso is a robust flavored black coffee that is made by ground coffee beans.
16. Elk meat:
It is game meat, which has lower fat content.
17. Ecrevisse:
It is a sea creature, small lobster-like crustaceans. They have a very close resemblance to lobsters.
18. Escallop:
It is a little slice of shallow-fried meat.
19. Elderberry:

Elderberry is very similar to a blackberry, a tangy-sweet fruit.
20. Eggplant:
The eggplant is a versatile vegetable; it is primarily cultivated in India and Asia. This vegetable is grown in the wild.
21. Ellurundai sweet:
It is a sweet flavored snack. This homely snack is mainly prepared with simple Indian ingredients like groundnut, black sesame seeds, and jaggery blend. This Indian dish requires very few and simple ingredients that are considered healthy.
22. Edamame:
These are classic young soybeans; these famous beans are highly loaded with nutrients and vitamins and delicious food to eat.
23. Elbow Macaroni:
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Macaroni is a variety of pasta which mainly has a structure of thin hollow round; these small curved tubes are delicious to eat.
24. Egg:
Eggs are one of the most famous non-vegetarian and protein-rich foods across the world; eggs are highly loaded with selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B and B12.
25 Elote:
Elote is a famous name for Mexican Street Corn. This dish a course of grilled corn dipped in a creamy mayo sauce. The fantastic additions of chili powder, cheese and lime are included to make the dish more tangy and savory.
26. Eru:
Eru is an African vegetable; its leaves are often eaten raw or shredded. These leaves are also added to stews, soups, sea foods, fishes and meat dishes. Many times a stew is prepared with its leaves and cooked along with palm oil and waterleaf.
27. EdikangIkong:
It is a kind of vegetable soup made with water leaves, kanda, ugwu, onion, pumpkin leaves, cow tripe and dried fish.
28. Ekwang:
Ekwang is a very famous Cameroonian dish; this dish mainly consists of grated cocoyams that are very gently simmered with numerous spices, crayfish, and palm oil. Bafaw people mostly cook this dish.
29. Eclairs:
It is a gourmet French pastry with chocolate icing topping and amazingly loaded with yummy cream.
30. Escovitch fish:
A Jamaican dish consists of spicy, savory bell peppers and some other veggies like onions and carrots. A spicy sauce is drizzled upon the Jamaican escovitch fish to make it more toothsome. Traditionally whole fish is fried until crispy then covered in lightly pickled vegetables.
31. Earthnut:
Earthnut possesses seeds or nuts; it is basically a pod of peanut vine. Many of the times, the earthnut is often called as peanut or groundnut.
32. Eel:
It is seafood, a ray-finned fish that comes with a tremendous amount of vitamins and minerals. Eel is a very healthy food, a powerhouse of vitamins like A, D, E, B1, B2, B12 and phosphorous.
33. English sole:
It is a delicate flatfish; this fish’s meat is edible along with a mild, sweet flavor with very firm, small, flaked flesh.
34. English spinach:
It is a leafy green vegetable often eaten consumed after cooking or raw. The leaves of English spinach are soft and green.
35. Emmental:
It is a variety of Swiss cheese that has a yellow color and medium-hard texture.
36. English muffin:

English muffins are bread dough rolled in and chopped in circular chunks for baking on a griddle. English muffins are cut and toasted before eating.
37. Escabeche:
It is a classic sweet, sour dish that is prepared with marinated fish or meat. This dish is often cooked in tart-vinegar. Escabeche consists of a very robust tangy-sweet flavor, along with a beautiful saffron-colored hue.
38. Emu:
It is a kind of meat that is very high in protein content; the meat of emu tastes a lot like beef. However, the fat content of emu meat is very much like chicken. The eggs of the emu are also an edible food part and a high source of protein.
39. Edam cheese:
It is a yellow Dutch cheese, which is partially hard. Edam cheese was initially cultivated in the Netherlands.
40. Ensalada de Fruta:
It is a common name for Mexican fruit salad.
41. Empanada:
Empanadas are hand pies, a very toothsome dish. This dish is delicious, filled with very yummy fillings. You can even spark up your creativity and create the empanada fillings blend of your favorite ingredients.
42. ElaneerPayasam:
It is a dessert prepared with soft coconut chunks and a mixture of evaporated milk and coconut milk. This dish is also called tender coconut kheer in India; it is a very tasty, delicious and typical dessert for Indian festivals.
43. Enchilada:
This is a savory corn tortilla rolled prepared with the toothsome tangy sauce. Enchiladas can be prepared by creating a unique type of fillings. Some of the most used filling ingredients are meats, beans, potatoes, cheese, and fresh vegetables.
44. Enfrijoladas:

Enfrijoladas is a corn tortilla, one of the most famous dishes that belong to Mexico. It can be prepared within a few minutes with simple ingredients; a black bean sauce is the prime element of this dish.
45. Erusery:
This is a classic Indian curry which is often served along with rice. This dish is made up of meat and vegetables.
46. Egg drop soup:
It is a Chinese soup with very high protein content. Amazingly, this soup is low in calorie content, so considered a very healthy food.
47. Ellupodi:
Ellu Podi is a dried chutney blend. This very savory and flavorful dry spice blend is prepared with black sesame seeds and lentils powder.
48. Entomatadas:
Entomatadas is a classic dish from Mexico prepared with folded corn tortilla; the corn tortilla is initially fried in oil and then dipped in the tomato blend made from many flavourful ingredients like garlic, onion, oregano, tomatoes and salt.
49. Egg tong sui:
Egg tong sui belongs to authentic Cantonese cuisines and a sweet flavored soup. This dish is a sweeter variety of egg drop soup. In China, this dish is considered a very classic and homely dish.
So this was our ultimate list of fantastic and unique foods that start with E; if you know some more foods with E, let us know in the comment section below!
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