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Suman recipe


Till now, you have heard about the tasty suman recipe, but now is the time to try your hands on this very delicious dessert! This light dessert will brighten up your occasions and celebrations! This most easy suman recipe is prepared with sticky rice and most often served on weekends. You’ll totally love this soft and sticky suman recipe, which is wrapped up in banana leaves.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 16 minutes
Course Snacks
Cuisine Asian Fusion
Servings 21 Suman 1x
Calories 70 kcal


  • 3 cups Glutinous Rice
  • 1 cup White sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 can 13.5 Fl oz. coconut milk


  • Soak up the Glutinous rice in the medium-sized bowl for at least one hour. Keep it aside.
  • Blend 1 teaspoon salt, 3/4 cup sugar with coconut milk in a different bowl.
  • Put rice in the large-sized flat pan when it gets completely ready. Afterward, add in the coconut mixture.
  • Add leftover sugar and salt, blend them wholly.
  • Keep the heat flame on medium and give a light boil to rice. Keep cooking the rice to the point coconut milk is completely evaporated and rice gets cooked a little.
  • Allow the suman recipe to get relaxed, and roll it up in banana leaves.
  • When you are entirely done with the Suman recipe, put it in the deep saucepan, one that will fit suman tightly so that it would not slide on water, and stream some water to cover it up. Let the suman get cooked for an hour.


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