Brits are having a tough time as some of the Haribo fans are struggling to get their much-loved treat because of the shortage of sweets in the Haribo stores; reports suggest that there is a lack of lorry drivers in the tough covid times, so the confectionery manufacturer are having a hard time delivering the sweets to the UK.
A German firm told the sources that it was facing the much hurdles in delivering its products such as sweets to customers in the UK; in turn, the availability of gummy bears, jelly babies and mini fried eggs are getting affected at large.
The absence of Haribo has affected millions of children and families. Recent news has also reported that the company has even dropped its plan of Haribo promotions to keep a check on the availability of bags.
The tough times of Covid-19 and Brexit have negatively affected the availability of lorry drivers to deliver sweets to UK markets.
The company was ‘experiencing an unprecedented and sustained surge in demand’, said a representative from the German confectionery giant. ‘We are faced with several challenges throughout our supply chain, including a shortage of drivers. ‘Whilst this demand is excellent news for the category and broader economy, it does mean we will have to review our activity plans with all our wholesale and retail partners to ensure the best availability possible is maintained’ He further added.
“We are working with partners across the food and drink industry to address and respond to this problem,” Haribo told the sources in a recent interview.
The current issue has been closely affected almost all the Haribo sweets, including Tangfastics and Goldbears, as per some sources revealed.
The shortage issues have arisen due to the failure of HGV driving tests of around 30,000 heavy goods vehicles in the last year in the tough times of the pandemic. The company reported that around 72,000 candidates were trained last year to become HGV drivers, among which only 15,000 successfully got through the training last year.
‘The Brexit has a major part in the current hard times of shortage, as many of the lorry drivers are not sure of their rights and whether they can work in the UK. In recent times, there is a shortage of around 60,000 drivers,’ the Road Haulage Association (RHA) reported.
The organization has requested a Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, stating that many drivers gravitated back towards their country of origin through the tough times of Covid lockdown and many faced travel restrictions.
Previously, the same issues have been faced by the retailers due to the negative impact upon the food industry, and again the issues resurfaced due to lockdown and travelling restrictions.
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